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Advertising Agency

  What Sets Us Apart

Strategy activation specialists start with finding a deep understanding of your company or organization and into your identity to uncover the underlying principles as well as how external audiences perceive your content. Discovering who your intended audience is by building target personas from research into your brand's customers and desired customers for generalizations to create segmentations. They find where your target lives digitally and offline then strategize a plan for the best way to engage them with converting personalized content.

Get fast, measured-results on traditional and digital advertising campaigns. By driving funnel traffic through different phases of the customer journey with personalized content that promotes educational research through crafted brand personas. We’re able to measure platform and site conversions that bring brand sales.

Where You Will Get A Competitive Edge

Our dedicated team will work closely with you to discover strategies that accomplish your brand’s objectives by leveraging our platform and media relationships while gaining insight into customers and your company’s vertical. From websites, to logos, to digital strategy and media plans. Our deep understanding of brand building when we create brand assets like design elements, sales collateral, tag lines and target personas. We stay ahead of trends and curate personalized content for your audience.

Because we are a results-driven advertising agency first, we know that every ad dollar counts. That's why we make data drawn decisions that optimize campaigns through Key Performance Indicators to maximize every budget.

Persona Targeting

Client activation specialists research your current customers for generalizations that can be shared with others. They dissect audiences to segment these generalizations into personas that can be pooled into larger audience sets and then targeted across media channels.

Brand Research

Activation specialists research generalizations to segment audiences into cost effective targets we call personas. Content is curated for each personas phase of their buying decision through organic traffic based on events that lead to organic growth.

Persona Based Content

Personalized brand content tailors content to personas crafted by the brands segmented audiences. Activation specialists learn your audience, then identify the best content to post where your audience will engage and be more likely to share. Persona brand targets that are guided with content.

Content Curators

Engaging content is created to be promoted organically through the brand's audience or crafted for paid media to gain exposure. Thought leadership gives the content more authority and by leveraging this type of content organically and through paid media gives credibility into the brand.

Funnel Building

Client activation specialists research your current strategies and customers for generalizations that can be shared with others. They dissect audiences to segment these generalizations into personas that can be pooled into larger audience sets and then targeted across paid media channels. They will dive into what positive platform interactions drive customers to your site.

Detailed Auditing

Client activation specialists research your current brand and focus on what content is driving site conversions. They dissect audiences to segment traffic trends to optimize on converting website goals.

Did you know that content marketing costs 63% less than traditional advertising and generates 3X more leads.

  Data Driven

Ford Huntington ensures campaign KPI's are aligned to website goals that can give insight into what engagements are converting into leads. The data tells the story of the customer's journey and by studying these paths personas take we can build personalized content that educates the customer while driving their research. The data drives optimizations by focusing on engaging metrics. By letting the data drive creative strategy we allow the persona to tell us the story of their experience. Knowing the customer is ultimately how we retain a converting audience.

Campaign Kick-Off Expectations

  • Expect to know your Client
    Success Manager
  • Expect to know Key Performance
    Indicators and Metrics
  • Expect to know what Drives Success



Paid Digital Channels

Digital paid media channels segment audiences by different characteristics and by knowing these characteristics helps place relevant content in front of your target audience built from crafted personas. Every campaign has a part to play in each customer’s buying decision, and every channel in a digital media plan.

Persona Building

Paid social media expands reach while personalized narrow targeted ads are placed for the brand’s target persona types from research into individuals for generalizations and segmentation. Activation specialists then find where your target spends their time and know where your target will most likely convert.

Behavioral Targeting

By creating personas from extensive market research allows you to place ads where your customers frequent. We want to be top of mind when it counts, and by establishing brand safety measures to stay away from negative content and by using custom segments to target cut wasted impressions when buying programmatic media.

Keyword Research

By creating detailed keyword lists from extensive market research allows search engine results to show up when it's best during SEM campaigns when potential customers are searching and ready to convert. We want to be at the top when it counts, and that is by knowing the most competitive keywords as well as top converting keywords in your verticals search space.

Funnel Strategy

Persona brand targets that are guided through the phases of the funnel with content that guides their consideration during their research phase. Engagement through awareness and consideration shows intent to complete goals that ultimately will turn into conversions. By personalizing content for personas, focusing on the funnel phase allows us insight into the buying decision for the lead generation strategy.

Personalized Content

Personalized brand content tailors content to personas crafted by the brands segmented audiences. Activation specialists learn your audience, become your audience then identify the best content to post where your audience will engage and be more likely to share for an optimal organic media strategy. Persona brand targets that are guided with content.

On-Page Optimizations

SEO is about learning your target and audience then finding where and how your audience searches for your brand. By creating detailed keyword lists and engaging content that promotes keywords allows you to show up organically when it's best. We want to be where, when it counts, and that is by knowing the most competitive keywords as well as top converting keywords in your vertical.

Persona Building

Social media expands reach organically through content for your target's persona type from research into audiences for segmentation. Activation specialists learn your audience, become your audience then identify the best social sites to posts where your audience will engage and be more likely to share.

Personalized Content

Personalized brand content tailors content to personas crafted by the brands segmented audiences. Activation specialists learn your audience, become your audience then identify the best content to post where your audience will engage and be more likely to share to enhance the content marketing strategy.

Measuring Website Traffic and Goals

Positive engagement metrics as well as conversion performance data supports data-driven optimizations that eliminate wasted impressions.

Let's Talk Strategy

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