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Public Relations Outreach

Get measured interactions with newsworthy media nationally by partenering with media outlets to pick up your content . Reinforce a positive presence with national coverage promoting brand content. Strategies that speak to your potential audience.

Why Public Relations Outreach?

  • Connect to Communities
  • Prospect New Customers
  • Build your Brands National Identity
  • Effective Reinforcement Communications
  • Effective National Communications
  • Reach Thousands


Public newsworthy outreach
for National Media Outlets

Where You Will Get A Competitive Edge

Our dedicated team will work closely with you to execute strategy and explain results that translate to conversions from organic traffic and insight into customers and verticals. We leverage our media partner relationships to ensure the outlet promotes the content clearly and consicely. We leverage newsworthy content through organic and pad content to gainexposure from national audiences.

Because we are a results-driven advertising agency first, we know that every ad dollar counts. That's why we make data drawn decisions that optimize campaigns through Key Performance Indicators to maximize every budget.

Media Outlets

Social media sites place organic content on feeds through segmented audiences . By understanding the personas of the brands organic audience , help place organic content through relevancy and prior engagements . A social site houses many persona types so when posting content on larger sites it's important to rely on the brand's personas to allow personalized content to be shared organically with like organic audiences.

Personalized Content

Media outlets place content online by picking up the story to use as content on their media sites . This gives the content more authority and by leveraging these links organically and through paid media gives credibility into the brand..


Engaging content tells a story two ways. It tells the brand's audience, “Who you are,” “How you can help” “Why you care” and “Where to contact you.” The most important story is told through the data. The data tells the story of relevancy, organic growth and retention. By letting the data drive content strategy we allow the persona to tell us the story of their experience. Knowing the customer is ultimately how we retain a converting audience.

Measuring National Reach and Website Traffic

Positive engagement metrics as well as conversion performance data supports data-driven optimizations that eliminate wasted impressions.

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