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SEM for Brands

By Veda K. Ford, Over 10 years of experience with Paid Search.

Create Date: 2022/07/11

5-10 minute read.

Search Engine Marketing is the online advertising objective that enhances the visibility of brands' websites on search engines. Search engines create listings of relevant sites from a user's search. These listings are called Search Engine Results and where the listings live are called the Search Engine Results Page SERPs.

This is important because SERPs are categorized from what the user searches in the search bar and what the search engine deems relevant from the content on potential websites to potentially populate. The key is to have relevant website content that relates to what the user is searching for.


A crucial part of a customer's buying journey is discovery, whether it’s from researching the need of a product or service to watching video testimonials. Commodity purchases are mostly from extended decision-making and habitual or impulsive buying are discretionary spending and usually limited decision-making. Knowing the type of purchase and the customer journey is important when creating digital strategies. For SEM, knowing what potential customers search for, whether they’re in need or needing to be enticed to want to buy is key.

Every business should have an SEM strategy that aligns to the products and services that are offered. A case basis example will be outlined as well as several tips for SEM, like why it affects the bottom-line, best practices and new SEM offerings.

Case Basis

Search Engine


Over the period of the pandemic I wanted to create a peaceful environment, since a lot of time was spent inside. With wanting to keep interactions to a minimum, it was important for me to research what and where to buy extensively. My wanted purchase? A fan with a HEPA air purifier.

Researching Air Filter Fans

My initial search was “fan with a HEPA air purifier” and from here I was able to answer some of my questions like price range, manufacturing brands, which ones are highly recommended and where to buy while getting the best deal.

Searches following the initial were researching more in-depth. Answering questions like “Why does this brand have better reviews?” “Is this fan made of better quality?” “Is this fan worth the price?” and “Are there any deals?”

Mobile Searching Air Filter Fans

All questions answered; expected price, brand favorability and where to purchase, all through search queries. Search Engine Marketing and a paid search strategy ensure that your product or service shows in searches when it counts.

How SEM Improves the Bottom-Line

A paid search strategy gets brands products and services in front of potential customers searching online through relevant keywords and terms. Search Engine Marketing affects the bottom-line through brand recognition, promotion of products or services and website traffic that converts into sales.

SEM Best Practices

An important best practice for SEM is Search Engine Optimization. Through SEO you can discover relevant terms to include in SEM strategies from keyword research and analysis. Support SEM efforts with paid media like Paid Social and Programmatic Ads. Being active in other online channels assists strong organic presence that supports referral traffic.

Other SEM Best Practices Include

  • Deliver Value Across The Decision Journey
  • Align Your Campaign & Business Goals
  • Expand Your Marketing Funnel
  • Take Audience Targeting To The Next Level
  • Lift Other Investments With Paid Search
  • Fight & Win The Battle For Paid Search Budget Share

SEM Considerations

Ad Extensions

helpful, engaging content

Shopping Tools

Greater visibility through broad reach that converts

Target CPA Campaigns

Smart Bidding optimizing to site action conversions

Performance Max

Optimized through customers learned
online behaviors

Dynamic Display

Better performance from
ad placements that are personalized

YouTube Campaigns

Reach & Connect with customers alongside videos

App Install Campaigns

ads encouraging
App Installs

Think Customer

There are quite a few considerations when building a Search Engine Marketing strategy. The key is to think like a consumer. What are the terms and ways customers search? It’s also important that competitive analysis is completed to see what efforts they are taking in the market to attract their customer base.

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